Saturday, November 8, 2014

Finished Ghosts and Graveyards!!!

Yes!!! I finally finished the boardgame i was working on for a bit, Ghosts and Graveyards. This is the haunted house game i always wanted to play and make. And it has most important qualities to it. The ability to play solo and the openings for expansion packs!!! I already have expansions in mind, so i'm gonna pace myself with But they will be cool and one of them will be Cthulhu themed of course, since i'm a Lovecraft freak. Me and him actually share birth dates, how friggin cool is that? Here you go, enjoy the pic, take in all the stuff i have goin on like the spooky trees and stuff!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Got more done on the game...

Heres some more pics on the new game i'm workin on, Ghosts and Graveyards... Board is half done, most of the dice pieces finished. Have alot more to go, but definitely put a dent in the progress, comin along swiftly and falling together nicely... Alot of the play mechanics are kinds just taking shape as i go along, a game is forming as i go Have to make the player pices and a ton of little glow in the dark ghosts, flesh out the board with more stuff... I maight even make some spokky trees out of the same foam i made the board and the roof parts out of. I use sculpey to make the playing pieces and the ghosts. The dice shown are wooden blocks i got from the craft store. I found a cool game supply place for blank dice, but i chose to go the wooden route cuz they are easier to do graphics on with paint markers. Real dice tend to smear alot and chip and whatnot. I have some cool ideas for expansions too. Anyone who knows me knows i LOVE ME MY EXPANSION PACKS!!!! And have to bring some Cthulhu in here too somehow!!! And here are some minor tweaks on the logo too, will keep posting as i make more progress...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Working on a new board game...

I mentioned in my last post i had a new game in the works, and boy, do i ever!!! I always wanted to make a super awesome haunted house game, cuz i love spooky shit and haunted houses and whatnot, so this is gonna be my love letter to the haunted house game genre. You'll see my first logo comp for the game below. Its called "Ghosts and Graveyards- Haunted Nights- deadly after dark". Ghosts and Graveyards is gonna be like my Dungeons and Dragons. More a game system with expansions to keep it fresh and ever growing. So this first batch will have the essentials and plenty of room for what i love best, expansions!!!! I already made a few tweaks to the logo to make it more readable and whatnot, and in my next post i'll put up the black and white version. But the game is gonna feature a segmented board so it will be different every playthru, and a 3D haunted house in the center of the board!!! Thats gonna be the best part, cuz every game the house will be different and make each game different. And the game will be played with a bunch of dice, cuz i LOVE dice Their will be 2 sizes of dice, one for the monsters and whatnot, and a smaller size for the players to use to fight the monsters and all that. Gonna get back to work on it now, hoping to get a bunch done tonight, but we'll see how that goes considering how much ive been getting distracted by new retro nintendo gamecube and games like Luigis mansion and skies of

Monday, October 20, 2014

Firefly Yahtzee... friggin awesome

There ya have it... Thats pretty much all i have to say in this Just look at the pic and soak it all in. Had no idea this existed till tonight when i saw it at Barnes and Noble, and i lost my effin mind, i had to have it!!! I love the orange dice and the chinese characters. Then the model of the Serenity as the dice cup is just amazing. I've always been a Yahtzee fan. And i'm a rabid Firely fan. So i'm like a peanut buttercup, 2 great tastes that are, umm, a game and a show i loved? You get the point, they did a great job of mixing 2 great things. I have to do a post on the Firefly boardgame with some pics. Cuz that is pretty damn awesome also. Plus i have the expansion card deck, and the pirates and mercenaries expansion too. Great game. Off to bed now, had to make this late quickie post to show this off, and tomorrow i'll be posting more if i'm not too distracted playing Luigis mansion on gamecube which I AM LOVING!!!!...LOL.. More on that tomorrow too... Plus the new boardgame i'm working on also... Good stuff coming up, so keep checkin in too see my latest posts

Monday, October 13, 2014

We love lebanesians

I had to adjust the settings and put up a WARNING, adult content for the blog, because I have the vocabulary of a 3rd grade truck driver and am offensive to everyone... and all races and sexual orientations... Take for example... This pic says it all....

Our Mission Statement

Here is the mission statement and objectives of The Gamers Guild. Hope this gets everybody excited and interested in gaming and in joining. The main core group is local to New Jersey and we meet once a week, but anyone can join from anywhere in the world and be be included in our loop of gaming news and content I post here, so enjoy!!!....

Sunday, October 12, 2014

No hate mail yet

Well, no hate mail over the AC/DC rant... So that means a possible few things. One, that everyone agrees with me on my feelings towards AC/DC, or two, no one is reading my Oh wells, I'll keep writing this shit daily just for the hell of it anyways. Got a few new Gamecube games today that i'm pretty psyched about, considering i never played any of those at all when the gamecube was a current gen system. Lemme tell ya, with the ATI video card in that machine, it can pump out some pretty damn good visuals and effects!!! I got Rogue Squadron 2 and Rogue Squadron 3 and the graphics were damn impressive!!!.. and great frame rates too!!!...  Really impressed with this machine so far, and i have Skies of Arcadia Legends and Luigis Mansion on their way. So psyched, can't wait for both of these games. Luigis Mansion will be a good spooky haunted house game i play on Halloween, so that'll be fun. And Skies of Arcadia Legends i'm psyched for cuz that is still one of my all time favorite Japanese RPGs. Had it on the Dreamcast, so i'm curious to see if i notice any graphical differences or extra content. Oh, and i got Legend of Zelda Wind Waker just cuz i had to get a Zelda game and i heard nothing but raves when that game was a current gen favorite. And i got Mario Kart double dash, cuz i needed a Mario Kart game I'm loving my little foray into more retro gaming, besides my usual Dreamcast, PS2, 3DO, NES and Super NES... These games really hold up with gameplay and not just graphics. I'm more excited playing Gamecube games than i am of the thought of getting a next gen console, cuz there just arent any great games that i cant already play on my current gen 360. I'm just gonna keep playing that and getting 360 versions until i'm forced into getting a next gen to get the newest Destiny on the 360 is keeping me happy for the moment, cuz the differences on the new consoles dont warrant an upgrade to me. Thats just the way i see it, and for the time being, i'd rather spend my cash on old gamecube games i've never experienced cuz i'm having a blast with them, and because they are retro, i'm gettin my moneys worth and my bang for the buck!!!